Operative & Diagnostic Laparoscopy
A very small fiber-optic scope [5mm in diameter] called a laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen below the umbilicus, to look for endometriosis, scarring, adhesions, ovarian mass, fibroids and other pelvic diseases. This procedure can be performed under general anesthesia, and the patient normally goes home two hours following the completion of this procedure. Dr. Kanayama developed highly effective techniques to treat endometriosis, fibroids and other gynecologic conditions by this outpatient laparoscopy approach.
Furthermore, Dr. Kanayama always utilizes only a 5mm trocar at the umbilicus incision line, instead of the traditional 10-12mm incision performed by most gynecologic laparoscopists in the US.
In some case the procedure is performed in order to identify the cause of pelvic pain or infertility, so called "diagnostic laparoscopy". Once the cause is identified, Dr. Kanayama will be able to perform an "operative laparoscopy" and treat the disease at the same time. A fine rotating-scissor is used to achieve a minimally-invasive treatment of advanced endometriosis and adhesions.
Dr. Kanayama has also developed a technique of large uterine fibroid morcellation, which makes it possible to remove a fairly large fibroid by outpatient laparoscopy.
In summary, one of the primary advantages of laparoscopy is rapid patient recovery due to the extremely small incision size. Another great advantage is the ability to clearly visualize areas affected by endometriosis. This enables the surgeon to completely remove the disease condition.

Furthermore, Dr. Kanayama developed a new technique of unique pelvic reconstructive surgery by operative laparoscopy. By using this meticulous technique, normal anatomical functions and locations of vital organs affected by endometriosis are restored, including uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, rectosigmoid colon and pouch of Douglas. By this reconstructive laparoscopy, after endometriosis excisions, many of Dr. Kanayama's patients achieve spontaneous pregnancies, without medications or IVF.
In summary, objectives and philosophy of Dr. Kanayama's unique laparoscopic surgery for advanced endometriosis are threefold:
1. Clear-cut, precise diagnosis and extent of endometriosis by laparoscopy, including amounts of adhesion
2. Site-by-site, meticulous, complete excisions of endometriosis from the bottom layer of endometriosis, using retroperitoneal dissection methods
3. A unique reconstructive pelvic surgery by laparoscopy, which restore any obliterated spaces and normal anatomical functions and positions, this minimizing future recurrences and maximizing pregnancy potential if patients desire.
Minimally Invasive Advanced Laparoscopic Endometriosis Surgery
Dr. Kanayama also specializes in deep nodular excisions of endometriosis or related advanced conditions. Having successfully treated over 6,000 endometriosis cases, he developed a highly specialized surgical excision technique, which involves deep retro- peritoneal dissections and complete removal of deep endometriosis implants and sparing major organs close to deep endometriosis. His technique is a highly safe procedure and results in one of the minimum complication rates in the US. Similar techniques are practiced by only a few dozen gynecologic surgeons in the world.